5 September 2011

Tempted By Ticker Tape

One of the best things about being part of the sewing blogosphere family is the wonderful creativity out there which inspires me to try new things... like ticker tape quilts. Isn't this lot lovely?

1. Mini-quiltje, 2. Mini Quilt Swap for Pam (Uberstitch), 3. Hand Quilted Ticker Tape, 4. Ticker tape baby W quilt
I finally plucked up the courage this weekend to give the ticker tape a go, as a trial run for perhaps a mug rug for my Goodie Swap partner. So, without further ado, let me introduce you to Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee:

I made them for our friends who have two girls & a boy, that's why the wee sun bonnet sue characters are there. I used zigzag stitching to keep them nicely in place. These were really fun, quick & easy to make & a great way to use up tiny scraps.

So if you haven't tried ticker tape quilting yet, give it a go, its a lovely way to spend an hour or two!
If you have a moment check out the amazing lovelies that the talented folk are making over at the Goodie Swap:  http://www.flickr.com/groups/1788451@N22/


  1. Love the ticker tape technique, although I haven't had time to try it yet. I used some of that Sunbonnet Sue material on a dress for a friend's wee girl's doll, and she loved it, so I'm sure these will be a hit :o)

  2. THese are really lovely K. Great gifts. I love ticker tape sewing. Such a modern/rustic effect. Jxo

  3. I saw these on the flickr group......I love, love, love these and then love them some more, just gorgeous......can I be your friend??? LOL

  4. These look so perfect Karen. Now I really want to give ticker tape a go myself! (Another one for the list!)

  5. Saw these on flickr, they're really cute!

  6. I've been tempted to try ticker tape for a while now and you are pushing me closer to doing it. Love those coasters!

  7. These are so sweet - I really don't think you needed a trial run, they look perfect!

  8. These are really cute, have been saving small scraps to have a go at ticker taping, coasters are a great idea to try it out (love the make life fabric on the back too)

  9. These are so cute! Just started following your blog after seeing your pics on Flickr. I look forward to seeing more from you. I received a super cute ticker tape mug rug in a swap and love it!
